In this, the first edition of The New Real Magazine, we present a guide to working in Generative AI Arts by practitioners at the forefront of the creative wave in AI today, and discover how our present moment was foretold by artists who had already been working with, and on, AI for a decade.
Edition One
Generative AI Arts: A Synthetic Future Foretold
Image: The Zizi Show © Jake Elwes
Director’s Introduction:
Drew Hemment, founder of The New Real, introduces the themes of the Magazine, and what you will find in Edition One.
Long before the explosion of Generative AI in 2022 and 2023, a community of artists were changing the way we think of AI, combining prescient insight, powerful activism and inventive exploration.
Director’s Introduction
The vision behind the magazineFeature: Navigating Generative AI, A Roadmap
Strategies for the arts community to navigate Generative AIArt
Art projects from 2019 to 2021, before the Generative AI boomReflections
Insights, investigations and ideas from friends of The New RealSpotlights
Summaries of recent publications, events and reportsConversations
Discussions with our artists and The New Real communityInterjections
Explainers and hot topics, to guide our intrepid explorationsEditor’s endnotes
Closing thoughts
Feature: Navigating Generative AI, A Roadmap:
Actionable insights, strategies and recommendations for the arts ecosystem to navigate our era of Generative AI
An Introduction to this Edition’s Feature Section, by The New Real’s Editor, Gemma Milne.
Let's look beyond the impressive capabilities of current AI tools, to envision intelligent experiences that can surprise and delight us, are culturally enriching, and are inclusive, fair and environmentally sound.
The New Real’s Caroline Sinders convened artists working with Generative AI – Lex Fefegha, Eryk Salvaggio and Amelia Winger-Bearskin – to explore future landscapes for Generative AI Arts, and what co-creation between AI and artists can look like.
Creative Director at FutureEverything and renowned curator of AI arts, Irini Papadimitriou, looks at what it takes to create significant art and inspiring cultural experiences fuelled by AI
Artist and toolmaker, Eoghan O’Keeffe, shares with us the key features and capabilities artists are looking for in AI tools as these technologies move forward.
Curator of Arts Technologies at Serpentine, Eva Jäger, looks at ethical and relational business models, and emerging practices of artists.
One artwork, one artist residency, one curatorial statement from the period immediately before the Generative AI boom, from 2019 to 2021
This curatorial statement accompanied ‘Preternatural’, an exhibition of works by Jake Elwes curated by Drew Hemment and presented by The New Real during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019.
The Zizi Show, by Jake Elwes, is an interactive artwork exploring the intersection of AI and drag. The work revolves around captivating, beguiling imagery of AI-generated drag avatars.
AI is Human After All was an artist residency by Anna Ridler and Caroline Sinders with The New Real on the hidden human labour involved in creating and deploying AI, and on facing the climate crisis.
Insights, investigations and ideas from friends of The New Real
In the Generative AI era, the premise of photography itself has been exponentially expanded, altered and reconfigured, explains the V&A’s Catherine Troiano.
We live in a world populated by digital ghosts of human injustice and cruelty, reanimated in AI software. But is it possible to tell a different, more hopeful story? By Shannon Vallor.
Using AI as an artistic medium comes with moral implications and responsibilities which can be difficult to anticipate. How can ethics help us unpick these? By SJ Bennett.
Human-made datasets carry with them the prejudices and assumptions of their creators. Can art subvert and expose the process? By Morgan Currie and Benedetta Catanzariti.
The cinematic staple of giving machines human characteristics reveals a lot about our complex relationship with AI and morality. By Chris Speed.
Summaries of recent publications, events and reports
A taster summary of a report by the Creative Algorithmic Intelligence Research Project, Oxford Internet Institute.
The landscape of artistic uses of AI before the explosion of Generative AI in 2022 and 2023. By Drew Hemment, Martin Zeilinger, Matjaz Vidmar, Holly Warner.
Strategies developed within the critical art community can help to enrich the public conversation on AI. By Drew Hemment, Morgan Currie, SJ Bennett, Jake Elwes, Anna Ridler, Caroline Sinders, Mat Vidmar, Robin Hill, Holly Warner.
Discussions with our artists and The New Real community
New Real artist Jake Elwes in conversation with Me the Drag Artist, Morgan Currie and Drew Hemment. Chaired by Briana Pegado.
New Real artists Anna Ridler and Caroline Sinders in conversation with Roy Luxford and Drew Hemment. Chaired by Briana Pegado.
Explainers and hot topics, to guide us in our intrepid explorations
A celebration of the dynamic world of AI in real time, focusing on music improvisation and the joys of co-creation. By David De Roure.
Fake online video and audio content has become a powerful tool for spreading political misinformation and harming personal reputations. By Morgan Currie.
Media coverage of AI has contributed to misinformation about what it can do now and what it might achieve in the future. It’s time to unpick the hype. By Vassilis Galanos, SJ Bennett, Ruth Aylett and Drew Hemment.
Editor’s End Note:
Some thoughts in closing, from our magazine Editor, Gemma Milne & The New Real Deputy Director, Matjaz Vidmar.
The advances in Generative AI systems have crossed an uncanny valley. They are seemingly able to conjure up a visual representation of any imaginary tableau as well as hold entirely original, unscripted conversations and perform useful editing tasks.