Martin Zeilinger


Martin Zeilinger (Researcher / Artistic Advisor AI Art, AWEN) is a Senior Lecturer in Computational Arts & Technology at the School of Design & Informatics, Abertay University. His research interests include digital art, appropriation-based art practices, emerging technologies in relation to contemporary art (specifically fintech, AI, distributed computing), theories of cultural ownership and intellectual property, and various aspects of experimental video game culture.

In addition to research and tinkering with live coding and creative computing, he is involved in curatorial and activist projects including the Toronto-based Vector Festival, which he has co-curated since 2014, and frequent collaborations with MoneyLab and Furtherfield. He is also a member of the curatorial collective for NEoN Festival  in Dundee.

Martin’s research, curatorial activities, and creative practice in digital media are closely intertwined. Most of his work focuses on contemporary art practices in relation to aesthetic and philosophical concepts such as authorship, creativity, originality, agency, and ownership – often exploring how these concepts are legally and/or algorithmically encoded in service of capital.


Mark Anthony


Matjaz Vidmar