Explainer: Experiential AI at Edinburgh Futures Institute

The New Real stems from the work of the Experiential AI research group, which aims to create a better understanding of AI’s opportunities and challenges. By Drew Hemment.

Experiential AI is a research group at Edinburgh Futures Institute, Edinburgh College of Art. Convened by Drew Hemment during 2018, its aim is to support the creation of artistic works using machine learning algorithms and robotics, and to inspire new concepts and paradigms on ethical and responsible AI. 

The group’s research agenda was first introduced in 2019 with a paper published in AI Matters. This set out the intention of the group to bring artists and scientists together “to dispel the mystery of algorithms and make their mechanisms vividly apparent”.

The group develops research on AI futures, science, art and ethics through collaborations with artists, festivals and the AI community. 

This research tests the hypothesis that art and tangible experiences can mediate between computational technologies and human comprehension. By doing so, the intention is that AI systems become more explainable and accountable to the people whose lives they affect. 

Three key goals of Experiential AI

The Experiential AI research group is driven by three key goals. These are:

1. To support artists and the production of significant artistic works using machine learning and robotics.

2. To understand the reciprocal benefits of collaborations between artists and AI researchers.

3. To strengthen the capacity for the arts to help society to navigate the profound transformations brought about by AI.

Experiential AI is a partnership with the Bayes Centre and Informatics at University of Edinburgh, and the Robotarium, a joint venture between University of Edinburgh and Heriot Watt University.

It is supported by Creative Scotland and the Data-Driven Innovation programme of the South East Scotland City and Region Deal.

Find out more about Experiential AI’s aims and activities at efi.ed.ac.uk/activity-and-partners/experiential-ai/


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AI, Ethics, and the Role of the Artist