Video: AWEN - Encountering Climate Emergency

Members of the New Real’s AWEN team: Ines Camara Leret, Brendan Macharty and Matjaz Vidmar, in conversation with and Daisy Narayanan and Amanda Tyndall.

This event - part of 2021 Edinburgh Science Festival - explores how AWEN was conceived and created as a call to climate action.

Chaired by Amanda Tyndall, Festival and Creative Director for the Edinburgh Science Festival, the panel includes Inés Cámara Leret (Lead Artist), Brendan McCarthy (Interactive Digital Designer, Ray Interactive), Matjaz Vidmar (Experiential AI Research Lead at the Edinburgh Futures Institute) and Daisy Narayanan (Senior Manager for Mobility & Placemaking at City of Edinburgh Council).


Connecting people, place and planet: can tactile experiences be created through digital technologies?


AWEN – An inspiring project and an inspiration for change