Thanks for taking part in our research or considering to do so. This page will allow you to download our Information sheet and Consent forms.

The Information Sheet contains information about The New Real research programme, its purpose and how we collect, treat and use your data. A simplified and easier to read version is directly available at the bottom to read online.

The consent form is for your reference only, if you need to sign one for the activity you take part in a member of our team will provide it to you and collect your agreement. Some activities may not ask for your signature as participation is completely anonymous (data cannot possibly be traced to you) and informed awareness is deemed enough, yet you should be aware of these terms.

Research Information Sheet

Purpose of our research and data collection, what taking part involves, treatment of your data and contact for queries, modifications or withdrawal.

Research Activity Consent Form

For your reference only. Acknowledgements of the terms of the activity and use of your data as stated in the information sheet

Simplified Information sheet

valid for: activities with no recording of audio, video or any personal details such as your name

  • Name of Study: The New Real Programme - Resilience in the New Real & The New Real Observatory  

  • Investigators: Drew Hemment, Matjaz Vidmar, Morgan Currie, Robin Hill, Vaishak Belle

  • Research Team: Holly Warner, Vasileios Galanos, Keili Koppel, David Sarmiento Pérez

  • Purpose of the research: The New Real connects the arts, sciences and society. Its research explores how AI impacts on life at a profound level and how emerging technology can become a creative, playful and deeply impactful part of everyday living. 

  • What happens during the activity? We invite you to take part by providing handwritten or verbal responses on one or more questions that we present to you. An example would be our exhibition at ARS electronica, where we ask that you write a letter to the future and either slot it in a letterbox or place it in our collaborative space

  • Your contribution: Any content that you provide to us today will be used solely in our research and communications or those of associated research projects. We do not ask for names or any other personalised or sensitive information and even if you include them we will completely anonymize any contributions prior to them being part of our research output. If the activity you take part on involves any recording of audio or video this information sheet is not for you, you need a full information sheet and consent form.

  • Consent: Participating is completely voluntary; thus, participating implies consent. You are welcome to collect a full information sheet, a consent form, or consult one of our team members should you have any further questions.

  • Data processing and storage:  All your data will be processed and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) along with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA). The project will also be guided by and adhere to the University of Edinburgh’s data protection guidance and regulations.

  • Outputs and results: The results of this study may be used for formal research, educational and communication outputs.

  • Project approval: This research project has been approved through the ethical review process at the Edinburgh College of Art at the University of Edinburgh. 

Contact for further information: 

Matjaz Vidmar 

Drew Hemment