Here be (Intelligent) Dragons
A Sunday Brunch Session and horizon scanning for intelligent, immersive, fair, and environmentally sound experiences fit for the next generation of globally connected audiences.
The New Real invites you to join this Sunday Brunch Session before you head to the departure lounge of Planet B.
Attendees will explore the theme of Next Generation Intelligent Experiences through a combination of interactive activities to imagine, navigate and shape future landscapes for creative AI and the transformative shift arising from an emerging generation of AI technologies that directly engage audiences.
In attending this dynamic workshop you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other expert practitioners on stimulating challenges and join a growing interdisciplinary network of engaged minds. The outcomes of this workshop will directly inform a new research programme between The New Real and The Alan Turing Institute, and feed into a report - all participants will be invited to join these efforts on an opt-in basis.
Our Workshop
The workshop will explore the theme of delight and immersion in next generation intelligent experiences, and how art and technology need to develop to increase critical and planetary intelligence. How can we create delightful, transformative artistic experiences that are: transparent, fair and sustainable; blending art and AI in a profound way; and co-created by humans and machines, rather than instrumentally employing AI and its hidden human labour?
The workshop will involve:
1. An introduction to a new research theme on Next Generation Intelligent Experiences from The New Real and Alan Turing Institute.
2. Structured design sessions to shape your next project or programme.
4. Discussion and networking.
5. Breakfast/brunch will be provided for participants: refuel, reflect and reconnect
In person
Public & Cultural Sector
Attended? Leave your thoughts:
More Details about the Workshop
A Sunday morning breakfast session before you head to the departure lounge of Planet B. We invite you to forego your Sunday morning lie-in, for a refreshing reset where you can reflect on what you have seen at the festival, and look ahead to transformative new directions in AI Arts.
A combination of interactive activities and discussions will imagine, navigate and shape future landscapes for creative AI and the transformative shift arising from an emerging generation of AI technologies that directly engage audiences.
Together we will reflect on our current entanglements and share innovative ideas on how to flourish on a thriving planet in the midst of surprising, joyful, and inclusive forms of intelligent life.
This workshop is supported by facilitators from The New Real, attendees will explore new horizons in intelligent experiences, and alternative models that are fair, inclusive and environmentally sound. We therefore invite you to contribute expertise, creatively brainstorm, and take part in steering the discourse toward the future landscape of creative AI-human collaboration for delightful, fair and environmentally sound audience experiences.
What participants with gain from this workshop
In attending this dynamic workshop you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other expert practitioners on stimulating challenges, putting your heads together with engaged community members and special invited guests.
Speakers & Facilitators
Drew Hemment is The New Real’s project principal investigator. He is an artist, designer and academic researcher, Chancellors Fellow at Edinburgh Futures Institute and Edinburgh College of Art and Research Fellow at The Turing.
Matjaz Vidmar is our co investigator, an interdisciplinary researcher, lecturer and strategist at the University of Edinburgh. He is an (Astro)Physicist by training, now examining innovation processes and (inter-)organisational learning and change, as well as other social dimensions of emerging technologies
Caroline Sinders is a machine-learning-design researcher and artist. For the past few years, she has been examining the intersections of technology’s impact in society, interface design, artificial intelligence, abuse, and politics in digital, conversational spaces.
Dr. Daga Panas is part of our science and technology team. She is a Data Scientist at the University of Edinburgh, working in the Data Science Unit for Science, Health, People, and Environment. She holds a PhD in Computational Neuroscience and an MSc in Physics and describes herself as an all-round-geek, when pressed to write in third person.
Holly Warner is a Postdoctoral Researcher on The New Real programme at the Edinburgh Futures Institute, working on technology transitions within the Experiential AI research group. Her research interests focus on technological futures, fostering resilience in the digital pivot, human-centred creative AI, AI art, and explainable artificial intelligence.
The New Real Observatory Exhibition
In addition to our workshop, we will be hosting The New Real Observatory exhibition that runs the length of the festival where participants have the opportunity to interact and engage with Artworks by Inés Cámara Leret, Adam Harvey, and Kizziah McNeill that present multi-sensory exploration of possible futures and investigate the entanglements of people, data, machines and environments.
About The New Real
The New Real is a unique hub for AI, creativity and futures research. It is a partnership between the University of Edinburgh, The Alan Turing Institute and Edinburgh’s Festivals. Based within Edinburgh Futures Institute and Edinburgh College of Art. Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Arts and Humanities Research Council, and Creative Scotland.
What is The New Real? Learn more about it, have a peak at artworks and access our publications
About ARS
From September 7 to 11, 2022, Linz will once again host a “Festival for Art, Technology and Society” where participants from science, business, the creative and art scenes from the local region and around the world will contribute their perspectives.
What is ARS? “We have been analyzing and commenting on the Digital Revolution since 1979. Since 1996, we have been developing projects, strategies and competencies for the Digital Transformation. Together with artists, scientists, technologists, designers, developers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the world, we address the central questions of our future. The focus is on new technologies and how they change the way we live and work together.“
Programme and participation information
As you have or will discover we understand art and research as complementary and so are conducting some research activities along our exhibition, in which you do not have to participate at all to access or experience it. Here you can find a full information sheet and consent form if you took part in any of them or are considering to do so.