Image Credit: The Overlay, Inés Cámara Leret
The New Real Observatory Exhibition
Exploring transformative ideas through art and AI to equip future generations to flourish on a thriving planet in the midst of surprising, joyful, and inclusive forms of intelligent life.
The New Real Observatory is a complete 'experiential AI' system developed with and for artists and scientists. Artworks by Inés Cámara Leret, Adam Harvey, and Kizziah McNeill present multi-sensory exploration of possible futures and investigate the entanglements of people, data, machines and environments.
Post-Covid we are all digital natives, and we see today a transformative shift arising from an emerging generation of AI technologies that directly engage humans. Recent advances in machine learning based on learning patterns in huge volumes of historic data offer profound new capabilities but are energy intensive, inscrutable, and can amplify inequality and injustice.
The New Real has set out to understand how AI can augment and be enriched by the arts, and how far data science and the arts can help to answer each other’s questions. The research has investigated next generation intelligent experiences, low energy approaches, and creative methods for explainable AI. The artists specifically explore the construction and artificiality of localised representations of nature generated by AI; the agency and control inherent in certain ways of creating and encoding data; and the speculative point at which the boundaries between humans, machines and nature blur.
The New Real Pop-Up Research Hub
Visitors to Ars Electronica are invited to a pop-up research hub at The New Real Pavilion for conversations on how the latest developments in autonomous and intelligent systems can enable new forms of creative practice and fuel transformative experiences and services for audiences. Talks and tours by artists, curators and scientists will open dialogue on the themes of the exhibition and artworks. We will discuss the most radical and interesting signals for tomorrow in festivals today.
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A.I. Brunch: Here Be (Intelligent) Dragons
In addition to our main exhibition we will be hosting our A.I. Brunch: ‘Here be (Intelligent) Dragons’, a dynamic workshop, at 10:00am - 12:00pm (Brunch starts at 9:30am), on Sunday the 11th of Sept, in which we invite participants to discuss and explore together the Next Generation Intelligent Experiences. What do we want them to be? How do we get there?
About The New Real
The New Real research group explores how AI impacts on life at a profound level, often interacting with us in fascinating and unanticipated ways, and illuminates how emerging technology can become a creative, playful and deeply impactful part of everyday living.
What is The New Real? Learn more about it, have a peak at artworks and access our publications
About ARS Electronica
From September 7 to 11, 2022, Linz will once again host a “Festival for Art, Technology and Society” where participants from science, business, the creative and art scenes from the local region and around the world will contribute their perspectives.
What is ARS? “We have been analyzing and commenting on the Digital Revolution since 1979. Since 1996, we have been developing projects, strategies and competencies for the Digital Transformation. Together with artists, scientists, technologists, designers, developers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the world, we address the central questions of our future. The focus is on new technologies and how they change the way we live and work together.“
Important Documents
As you have or will discover we understand art and research as complementary and so are conducting some research activities along our exhibition, in which you do not have to participate at all to access or experience it. Here you can find a full information sheet and consent form if you took part in any of them or are considering to do so.