Adam Harvey


Adam Harvey (US/DE) is a researcher and artist based in Berlin focused on computer vision, privacy, and surveillance technologies. He received his masters degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University (2010) and a BA in Integrative Arts from Pennsylvania State University (2004). His previous work includes CV Dazzle (camouflage from face recognition), the Anti-Drone Burqa (camouflage from thermal cameras), SkyLift (geolocation spoofing device), and (interrogating face recognition datasets). His art and research has been featured widely in media publications including BBC, Economist, New York Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and Wall Street Journal; and exhibited at Aksioma (SI), Frankfurter Kunstwerein (DE), and Walker Art Center (US). Harvey is the founder of, a software project that innovates computer vision technology for human rights researchers and investigative journalist, which received an award of distinction from Ars Electronica and nomination for a Beazley Design of the Year award in 2019.


Gershon Dublon


Amanda Tyndall